Want to move from anxiety to calm & enjoy peace of mind (and body)? Here's how

Can you remember a time when you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn’t pay attention to the ache in your stomach or the tightness in your shoulders? 

I think it’s normal there are days when you’re just feeling separated or detached.  Not connected between what’s going on in your mind and what your body is trying to tell you. This feeling of disconnection can also have ripple effects sometimes felt as a sense of loneliness or not belonging. 


The question is, what’s your go-to formula for finding that harmonious, sweet spot again where you feel at peace, connected with others and the world, where the energy is flowing, and you feel happy inside just because. 

For myself, movement is my breath of life.  

Dancing and moving my body go hand in hand with breathing and have always been the pathway towards my heart opening up to more happiness in life.

Ever since I was a young girl I have danced. I felt joyful and free moving.  My mind became quiet and effortlessly dissolved during these dance sessions.  These early experiences I stumbled upon have carried me through the decades of my life showing me what it means to have a unified mind and body as one. 

As dancing gave way to other forms of contemplative movement such as authentic movement simply meaning moving with no agenda other than to follow the whispers of energy that I felt and to give them a voice of expression.  

Through this exploration, I could feel the borders between my mind and body dissolving.  A quiet, empty mind and an awake body allowed for all the sensations and emotions inside to be accepted as they were.    

Breath naturally supports movement and the heart generously opens as the whole body feels more connected and safe.   

This is an exquisite place to be hanging out in.  A place where there no rushing to get somewhere, or get one more thing done.  No, this moment, this space is simply full and bursting with joy, love, happiness, and the fullness of the present moment.  


Who wouldn’t want to experience more of these positive, life-enriching feelings?  

Through a series of unforeseen events, I was fortunately introduced to Qigong.  First, when I was living in Shanghai, China.  I must admit, I took for granted the amazing Wushu-trained teachers I had at that time.  I immediately took to the slow and deep meditative movements they were teaching me.  My body now had an impression of Qigong that would be forever with me. 

It wasn’t until I was in the middle of recovering from cancer treatments that Qigong was re-introduced to me.  My body took to it like bees to flowers. I couldn’t get enough and I was so grateful to be guided back to movements that I could do again.

Even with reduced mobility and energy levels, I was able to connect again with a meditative movement that became my breath of life.  I knew in my bones, my blood, and my heart that Qigong was helping to restore my whole body back to health and opening me up to a larger source of healing energy.

Research studies show that when doing Qigong movements many healing benefits are enjoyed by the body such as increased physical energy, improved sleep, reduced stress & cortisol levels, and enhanced quality of life.

Qigong is a way of moving and non-moving that embodies all of life.  Qi is known as the energy that exists everywhere, it is the source of life.  Qong is the movement that comes from Qi. 

Qigong is a helpful practice that eventually leads to a deeper experience. In time, the mind becomes one with the stillness of an open heart where it simply watches the qi flowing effortlessly through the body.
— Master Li Junfeng

When you practice Qigong, you are embracing the energy that exists everywhere around you in nature, in the entire universe and bringing expression to this energy flowing through you in the language of movements. 

And so it is, my passion and love of movement bring me to this day of practicing and sharing the healing power of Qigong with you.  

Take a moment now to watch and follow along with me on this 1-minute video while I practice outdoors with the birds. Notice how you feel by just taking a minute to shift your body and move with your breathing. Listen to your body allowing your breathing to flow naturally while following along with me.

Notice how you’re feeling now. Doesn’t it feel good? 

Many of the movements are simple to do physically.  The greater challenge is doing the movements and being fully present in your mind and body.  The mind likes to wander and practicing Qigong is an invitation for the mind to join and be one with the body.  To cultivate a quiet mind.

I believe it is such a powerful and accessible form of movement that anyone can do, I’ve included it as a key essential lifestyle factor that promotes healing in my NEW online course: Choose Life! Support your cancer journey with healing from the inside out.  

You can check it out here. Please pass on to those you know who can benefit from these life-changing lifestyle factors.